Celebrate the Small Things Friday!
I’ve been MIA most of the summer, busy with daughter’s wedding, multiple long road trips, and attempting to sell the house, the first of which came to a successful and oh, so wonderful conclusion–I have an awesome son-in-law!; the second plum wore me out; and the latter proved less than successful. And yet I’m celebrating it.
You see, my husband’s presence is currently needed in his old work place, so his relocation requirement has been suspended temporarily, meaning we’re able to take the house off the market and allow our kids to focus on school instead of a cloud of anxiety wondering where they’re going to live in a month, or three. We’ll re-list in the spring with a plan to move next summer, but all I can say is thank dog we did not sell this summer. If we had, the kids and I would be, as we were most of last year, separated from my husband by over 400 miles, only in reverse. Now we get to live under one roof, at least until the work concerns are sorted out. So, yes, I’m celebrating–not the issues that led to his being back in his old office–but that we can live as a family again for at least a little while (and he can help the kids with math, ’cause dog knows that’s not my strong suit).
Another thing I’m celebrating is a return to routine. I feel like I can finally relax and focus on things other than nicks and dings in the baseboard and smudges on the walls and windows; weeds in the flower beds, dust on the furniture, cat hair on the rugs and sofa, and whether I remembered to flush the toilets or leave the lights on in the basement for the showing; or to book hair appointments and call the florist or limousine service to confirm orders and pay deposits. To add a little shimmer to my simpler September, Summer decided to stick around and keep things toasty. Sun and warm temperature lover that I am, this pleases me to no end.
A few other reasons I’m tapping my toes and humming this week:
I resumed a workout routine.
I’m back to work on my novels.
I’m reading someone else’s novel.
I bought a chair, ottoman, and side table to furnish my “library” (moved my office to an empty bedroom to reinvent my old office space as a sitting room). Will post pics once order arrives and is set up.
A few friends either have new books out, or debut books coming out in the near future.
My boys continue to excel in school and at home despite the emotional upheaval they’ve had to face the last year.
Christmas is only 102 days away!
What’s got you humming this week?
It’s astonishing in this world how things don’t turn out at all the way you expect them to. ~Agatha Christie
1 Comment
I'm so glad things have started to settle down for you–I know you were under a lot of stress trying to sell your house. I'm happy to hear you get to relax on that front, and have your family all together again! 🙂