Be at peace

I’m a perfectionist. And an Idealist. Which is a terrible combination. Especially for a writer.

Case in point: After two hours of writing and revising two pages of profundity for this post, I deleted it all, and leave you with this:

Nothing, and no one, is perfect. Strive to do your best work, always. Be your best self, always. Eat healthy, ninety-percent of the time. Exercise. Yes, exercise. You will feel better. I promise. Just make sure you stop and smell the flowers. Call a friend. Be a friend. Pursue your passions. And stop beating yourself up about… everything.

You’re human.

I’m human.

We’re all human.

And not a single of us is perfect. Ever.

If it matters to you, do it.

Book the trip. Register for the class. Apologize. Celebrate. Dance. Eat chocolate. Buy the puppy.

We only live once.

Live well. Live happy.

Ignore the haters.

You are amazing. Your art is amazing. You deserve to be loved. You deserve to be listened to.

Love yourself.



Forgive him.

Forgive her.

Forgive yourself.

Donate. Money. Your time.

Your voice.

Make a difference.

Make yourself proud. No one else. Because at the end of the day, you’re the one you always have to make peace with.

Be at peace with yourself.

You deserve it.


You do not have to be superhuman to do what you believe in. ~Debbi Fields

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