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Scandalous Desires

Well done.

Mick is a murderous pirate. Silence a soft-hearted aide worker in a home for unfortunate children. Could there be any starker contrast?

They’re perfect for each other.

Her soft heart is just what a hard-hearted pirate needs to feel safe enough to delve into his darkest secrets and deepest hurts and emerge a stronger, more loving man for it. Hoyt does a fabulous job of convincing the reader (at least she did me) that there is much to redeem in Mickey O’Connor and that Silence Hollingbrook is just the woman to help him find redemption. The sex is sizzling, too. Oh, would that I could write as masterfully as Ms. Hoyt.

5 stars.

Learn more on Elizabeth Hoyt’s website:


Why is it that people who cannot show feeling presume that that is a strength and not a weakness?

May Sarton

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