Live. Laugh. Love.
These three words crown the French doors leading to my deck. I put them there, in plain view of the living room sofa and recliner, to remind me what’s important in life.
When things get tough, as they do at times, I only need to look up: Live, Laugh, Love.
And I do.
All of us failed to match our dreams of perfection. ~William Faulkner
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Thanks, Lara. I will hang in. And persevere. Always do. Though sometimes it is nice to welcome the emotional support of friends; thank you for the boost. 🙂
Take care,
Hang in there, Deb! I'm sorry you're going through so much right now, but you are a strong person, and I know you will persevere.
Awww…thank you, Diana. Your comment and encouragement is truly appreciated. Thank you. Your compassion is a beautiful gift. 🙂
I am sorry about the sciatica and the worries, house and otherwise. It's interesting to see what serves as our anchors (live, laugh, love) and to see, as well, how perfectly they work during the rough times. I hope yours smooth out – but I offer this as a slight smile-maker: you have written something beautiful and moving that makes another nod thoughtfully and wish you well.