Author. Reader. Chocolate Eater.
Author's posts
Dec 17
Sparkle and Sound
I always felt a little sad, and not a little guilty the years we didn’t visit because it was the other-side of the family’s turn that year.
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Dec 12
Angels Among Us
The Holiday season tends to disrupt the routine of all but the laser-focused amongst us; Christmas parties and socials, gift shopping and wrapping, baking, packing, hosting… A whole year of fun distractions and social-catch-up crammed into thirty-one days. It’s fun, if exhausting. Toss in a couple of unplanned ER visits, and it’s down-right invigorating. And …
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Dec 04
Book Baby Blues
There’s a little-known disorder that affects some authors that very few people, except other authors, knows about. Readers certainly don’t know, at least the ones that do not follow regularly, an author whose suffered it—and talked openly about it: Book Baby Blues. Authoring, revising, editing, and polishing a book is an intense labour of love. …
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Dec 01
The longest journey begins and ends with a single step
2018 has proven a wonderful year for me. I realized a long-held dream in publishing not one, but two novels! I also spent an amazing spring and summer traveling around BC with my husband in our travel trailer. We enjoy our home-away-from-home (and my mobile office) so much, we’re already itching to get out in …
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Nov 01
We need it. I need it.
I wrote on Facebook recently my challenge to remain positive in what seems a Tsunami of awful news throughout the world of late, and I received many encouraging remarks and virtual hugs. I can’t express how much that means, and truly makes a difference, in how I feel. I believe we can all, at times, …
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Oct 01
Paralysis and Gratitude
I’ve been working from the cosy bright nook of my kitchen since August, when my youngest son’s friend moved in with us for a few months to complete a co-op work-term required as part of his University degree. The location change plants me directly in the hub of household activity. It’s not ideal. And I’m …
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Sep 02
Curse ruthless time!
Curse ruthless time! Curse our mortality. How cruelly short is the allotted span for all we must cram into it! ~Sir Winston Churchill And with that, my friends, I am taking a social media break to ensure I cram what I need to into the time I’ve got. I’ll be back. I promise. Deborah
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Jul 24
Rockin’ the Highway
We’re rockin’ another busy summer of travel. We left home July 1, and since then we’ve logged over 4000kms. For non-metric folk, that’s about 2500 miles. Along the way we visited–briefly–with friends and family, but mostly we cruised alone, the two of us and our travel trailer, aka, my mobile office. Our first night out, …
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Jul 01
The Beautiful People
I was asked once why I set My Dear One on a ranch in Texas, instead of in BC like the ranch that inspired the partial setting of the book. My answer was simple: My Dear One isn’t a fictionalized memoir. It’s its own story, created from the characters, not from my childhood memories. Though, …
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Jun 26
Be at peace
I’m a perfectionist. And an Idealist. Which is a terrible combination. Especially for a writer. Case in point: After two hours of writing and revising two pages of profundity for this post, I deleted it all, and leave you with this: Nothing, and no one, is perfect. Strive to do your best work, always. Be …
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