Deborah Anderson

Author. Reader. Chocolate Eater.

Author's posts

Summertime Christmas

I’ve been home all week working on final edits of My Own in preparation of sending it to my editor.  Sporadically, I’ve been exchanging emails with the artist I hired to design three ebook/print book covers for my Dear One series. It’s been a quiet, and productive week. Quiet, because Hubs is out of town …

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Precious Time

I’m a die-hard in-the-pulp book reader. Not that I haven’t downloaded books to the Kindle app on my tablet to read. I have. And sadly, have yet to read any of them, as a scroll through my purchases/downloads informs me. I logged on to Amazon to leave a review of the book I read this …

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A mother’s belated understanding

I’ve started final revisions of My Dear One’s sequel, My Own, in preparation of sending it to my editor, for you guessed it, her to send back to me for more revisions! But that is the nature of the authoring beast—you think you’re finished, and someone, maybe yourself, shows you how wrong you are. That …

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My Mother, she’ll be…

Working to prepare My Dear One for publication has had me thinking about my mother a lot, lately. About the sacrifices she made for my brother and I when we were young. How hard she worked to keep my brother and I in our childhood home, clothed and fed, after my dad left. How bloody …

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Shards and Silver

I married young. Some—okay, my mom—would say, too young. I was twenty. By the time I was twenty-six, I was a single mother of two, possessed of a far greater appreciation for the silver linings discovered when the tarnished brass aftermath of disintegrated dreams, is swept away. My youngest is now twenty. And marriage is …

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Letting a piece of me go…

At the beginning of April, I wrote about the bittersweet nature of this month for me, and for my mother. I shared the heartache and gratitude we each experience related to shared, and separate experiences, and how my mom’s experience inspired the events and theme of my first novel. So, it seems fitting that this …

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Great is the road I climb…

I decided about a year ago that I wasn’t going to try and get published. I was going to publish. That was a pivotal moment for me. Changing my mindset from writing and revising and querying literary agents on different projects hoping one might attract interest, to focusing on self-publishing a story I loved writing …

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Bittersweet April

One-hundred-and-six years ago this month, the Titanic went down in the Atlantic Ocean with over two-thousand people on board. A little over seven-hundred survived. Fifty-four years ago this month, my mother left Maywood Home for Unwed Mothers, in Vancouver BC, where she’d lived during the final weeks of her pregnancy, and entered Vancouver’s Grace Hospital. …

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Itchy Feet – Family Tradition

March is winding down and April is set to debut, hopefully in a cacophony of colorful blooms and dazzling sunshine. We need it. This winter seems to be lingering, with unseasonably cold temperatures and precipitation over and above what the weather people term, Average. And frankly, I can’t wait. My feet are itching! No, I …

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March Madness

If you clicked on the title expecting something about college basketball, I apologize. As much as I love basketball (three of my four kids played competitively in high school) I don’t follow the March playdowns. My March Madness stems from insight gained at a recent writer’s meeting seminar. Almost every month, the writer’s group I …

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