Deborah Anderson

Author. Reader. Chocolate Eater.

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Soul Sunday – Enjoy the small moments

Friday was my third child’s birthday. He and his friends headed out to snowboard for the day and returned to our house for pizza and a wild game of Dominoes, before they all cabbed down to the local night club. After helping Hubs’s mom to bed, Hubs and I spent sat in front of my …

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Fun Friday – Stress Relief

Animals are known for their stress-reducing properties, and the following compilation of videos is a perfect example of why. Enjoy, and happy Friday! Deborah

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Thankful Thursday – Finding Rhythm

Family and medical crises, and big life changes, have a way of taking a person’s schedule and tossing it out the window. Thankfully, once the dust settles and new routines are established, a manageable rhythm emerges. Sort of. My mom has healed physically from her mastectomy, and seems to be coping well emotionally. She’s cheery, …

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Fun Friday – Pets and Giggles

I’m finishing up revisions on MOTL and leave you with a few pets and giggles to brighten your Friday. May you enjoy a beautiful weekend. Deborah Sometimes you gotta create what you want to be a part of. ~Geri Weitzman

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Thankful Thursday – Happy Foot

The last few weeks I’ve had a nagging problem with one of my feet. Every time I power walk, I experience pain and discomfort in the ball of my foot where my second and third toes connect to the main part of my foot. At home, I have a hard time going sock foot, and …

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Writer Wednesday: Self Care

“When one’s brain shuts down when confronted with something that is usually routine, or that usually brings joy… “

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Remembrance: The Great War

“He and Phelps were stuck, literally, in the middle of a gun fight.”

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Teaser Tuesday – RELEASE DAY!

This is it my friends! A Darling for a Duke is now available. If you haven’t pre-ordered, please, grab your copy now!

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Motivation Monday – Surrender

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