Short and sweet, what I’m celebrating this week:
Hubby fixed the lawn mower. And the weed-whacker. And the truck’s tailgate.
My cousin and his wife welcomed their first baby, a beautiful 8lb girl, on Wednesday!
My yard is a colorful palette of blooming Irises, Peonies, Pansies, and other bright shrubs, the names of which I know not (I just ask the kind people at the nursery for “drought-tolerant, sun-loving, low-upkeep plants”; they point, I buy).
There’s only 3 1/2 regular school days left (which means Summer is almost here!).
Hubs and boys took me golfing last Sunday, and I had lowest score on the first hole! (the only one I care to recount ;))
And last, but not least…
It’s FRIDAY, which means the weekend has begun. Enjoy everyone!
Zest is the secret of all beauty. There is no beauty that is attractive without zest. ~Christian Dior
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Wow. Thank you all for commenting. It's true…a well-tended yard and handsome-handy-hubby are definitely worth celebrating! Take care and may your summer bloom with friends, family, and good times. 🙂
Congratulations on having a great looking yard. My Dad loves his plants too and we try to make sure his flowers are well taken care of.Have a wonderful weekend! 🙂
Sounds like your husband it a fix-it man, good to have around. Even though you have a low score in golf, I hope you enjoyed it.
Send your hubby over! I have so many broken things that need fixing.
I loved the ZEST quote!
Lol! I don't know the names of half the plants in my garden either. But as long as they're growing and blooming, it doesn't matter 😉 Have fun with summer break and glad to hear all is being repaired.
I love your flower gardening technique. I think it's one that I might adopt myself!
I'm passing on a Liebster Award to you – cheers!
Brandy's Bustlings
Sounds like a great week and congrats on the new addition.
Looks like summers off to a good start! Enjoy your weekend!
Wow. So good to see so many comments…
Lara…pics, hmmm? I'll have to see what I can dig up.
Meredith…school's already out? You have either my sympathy, or my congrats, whichever is most appropriate for you. 😉
Nancy…I'm sure hubs does not echo your sentiment. *g*
Thanks, Rebeccah. I think. I tooled the mower around yesterday and it was fun!
Rhonda…Yes. It was a great week and hubs helped make things much easier for me. 🙂
Nana…Yes. A healthy baby is a major celebration, and a very happy addition to our extended family. 🙂
Thank you all for commenting!
Take care,
Sounds like you had a wonderful week. A healthy new baby is always cause for major celebration.
Wow, sounds like a great week and big ticks off hubby's to do list.
Yay for a lovely garden, and the fact you can now do the gardening since your husband fixed your equipment 🙂
Very nice celebrations. May summer bring more completions to the hubby-do list! Writer’s Mark
Yes share pictures of your beautiful yard 🙂 School is out here!
Meredith (@MeredithRaeJ)
Meredith's Musings
Glad to hear the yard is looking good–got any pictures for us? 🙂
Hi MJ…I don't have a lot of luck w/plants, which is why I have no indoor plants and hubs maintains outside ones. ;). Hope you enjoy your weekend too! Take care.
I always ask for the low-upkeep plants, too. And yet, they still don't do very well.
Enjoy your weekend!