Celebrate the Small Things Friday

Another great week and wonderful things to celebrate…

1)      I am half-way through the initial review pass of ALL THAT MATTERS, and I cried too many times to count; I even had to walk away from the edits because I was so emotional. This is definitely worth celebrating. It’s also kind of surreal.
2)      I bought three new novels last week, and started reading the first, THE MARRYING SEASON by Candace Camp, a delightful—so far—read. Up next are Stuart Woods’s STRATEGIC MOVES, and Dan Brown’s INFERNO.
3)      I already received two RSVPs for daughter’s bridal shower.
4)      I had another showing last week, as did my mother (we both have our homes listed for sale); no offers yet, though the feedback was positive.
5)      Sons’ third-term report cards arrived—both boys have As and Bs.
6)      I learned how to “optimize” Search Engines by adding a plug-in to my new website and adding keywords to help make it easier to “find” on the web.
7)      Daughter and soon-to-be son-in-law popped in for surprise visit.
8)      Daughter starts her new job Monday!
9)      Eldest got to go shopping for a new fridge this week after his old fridge expired (always look for the silver-lining!).
10)  Had a good phone chat with an out-of-town friend (who will be an in-town friend once I get moved!)
11)  Enjoyed a coffee date with a current in-town friend.
12)  Everyone I know is safe and their homes intact. My prayers to the people of Oklahoma.
13)  Youngest child’s visits to Chiropractor seem to have helped.
14)  Received information on an employment contract I’m considering.
15)  The last load of laundry is in the washer.
16)  Oh, and the sun shone today, after a two-day deluge.
I truly appreciate this Celebrate the Small Things Friday routine. It’s an inspiring way to end a week—by reviewing and recounting the good things, no matter how small, instead of rueing the bad. If you’re a blogger and interested in participating, check out VikLit’s blog. If you’re a reader, you can play along at home—all you need is a notepad and pen. JAnd if you’re of a mind, please share in the comments what you’re celebrating this week.
Take care and stay safe,
Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and celebrate the journey! ~Barbara Hoffman

Permanent link to this article: https://www.deborahsmall.com/celebrate-the-small-things-friday-2/


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  1. Oh I love how many things you're celebrating! Have a great week. X


    Shah X

  2. Sounds like a ton to be thankful for indeed.

  3. Yes. All good. And thank you for starting CTST! 🙂

    • VikLit on 2013-05-27 at 4:28 pm

    Loads to celebrate this week! I don't know where to start 😉 All wonderful celebrations!

  4. Thank you, Dana. It was my pleasure! And ditto. 🙂

    • Dana on 2013-05-27 at 2:03 pm

    Hi! I wanted to stop by and thank you for dropping by my blog during last Monday's Blitz. I'm glad you enjoyed the animated Collins' poem. 🙂

    Have a wonderful day!

  5. Yes, Nancy, all the things that make life wonderful. Thank you for popping in!

  6. Nice celebrations. Family, friends, tasks, life are all wonderful celebrations. Writer’s Mark

  7. Yes, Lara; a great week. Thank you!

    Hi Brandy! It is a great quote, isn't it? Thanks so much for stopping by!

  8. What a great, long list! I love the quote about pot holes at the end too 🙂 I stopped by from the blog hop.

    Brandy's Bustlings

  9. Sounds like an awesome week–I'm glad to hear it! 🙂

  10. Thank you Heather. The same to you!

  11. You certainly have plenty to celebrate. Enjoy your weekend!

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