On Easter Sunday my son-in-law’s brother suffered a level-5 brain aneurysm. Few people survive a level-5 aneurysm. He did, and I credit his survival to three things: the skill and dedication of the first-responders, and then the neurosurgeons, nurses, and other medical personnel who were critical to his emergent, urgent, and ongoing care; the love of his wife and family who’ve been with him almost every step of the way; his will to fight through incredible odds. And thank goodness he did, because this week not only did he finally make it out of the ICU and into rehabilitation, but he and his wife also welcomed their first child, a daughter. It is in honour of them, I share this video, and offer this advice from direct experience – When they’re quiet, be worried. Go find them. Keep your first-aid up-to-date. Always expect the unexpected. Keep your camera (phone handy). And know that you’re ready for this. <3
Reality is a staircase going neither up nor down, we don’t move; today is today, always is today.
Octavio Paz