I’ve experienced a lot of heartache and loss over the years, and sought out different remedies to help heal the soul pain. Counselors, friends, family, family doctor, and of course, books.
In our current climate, reaching out to counselors, family, and or friends, can be a struggle. We’re all feeling overwhelmed by worry, whether for our health or financial well-being, or the health and financial wellness of those we love, and may feel it unfair to burden others with our woes.
Medical professionals can also be extremely difficult to gain access to right now, as those that are well and able are forging to the front lines to help fight this viral pandemic. With that in mind, I’m sharing a list of books that I’ve found and find helpful when times are tough. You may well find one or more amongst them helpful to you, now. Of course, a book is no substitute for a doctor or counselor, so, if you’re struggling, and need more help than can be found in an inspirational or humorous read, please, contact your doctor, or the crisis line for your area, immediately.
Stay home, stay safe.
Stay well, my friends.