My condolences to the victims and families of victims of yesterday’s heinous and cowardly attacks in New Zealand. My heart goes out to all … Deborah Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive. Dali Lama
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Mar 13
The Clockmaker’s Daughter
Welcome to the first-edition of Review Wednesday on my blog! I’m excited to share with you a book I read last month that is still resonating with me: The Clockmaker’s Daughter, by Kate Morton. I found The Clockmaker’s Daughter during one my strolls through our local book store. I go roughly once a week to …
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Mar 08
Fun Friday: Home and Heart
I don’t know what it’s like where you live, but where I live it’s been a cold, dreary winter. Having cats cuddle on my lap, or entertain me with their silly antics, eases the chill and provides not a few chuckles. Pets really do brighten a home and heart. Happy Friday, Everyone! Deborah Let us …
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Mar 07
Thought Thursday – Perfectly Ideal
The back-cover synopsis for My One True Love wrote itself. In that, the book was only partially written when I wrote it, so in truth, I had not a clue what in Margaret’s present and Joe’s past would threaten young Maisie, but I figured I’d figure it out during the writing. This is one fatal-flaw …
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Mar 06
Word Wednesday: Revelation
From Merriam-Webster Dictionary online: revelation noun:rev·e·la·tion | \ ˌre-və-ˈlā-shən \ Definition of revelation 1a: an act of revealing or communicating divine truth b: something that is revealed by God to humans 2a: an act of revealing to view or making known b: something that is revealed especially: an enlightening or astonishing disclosure shocking revelations c: a pleasant often enlightening surprise Joe received an astonishing surprise today. I’m still fascinated by …
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Mar 01
Fun Friday: Shubert – Serenade
It’s been a week of ups and downs, and a bitter February, so let’s kick off Friday and the weekend–and March–with some soul-soothing music and reminders of what is just around the corner: Spring! Deborah All I can do is act according to my deepest instinct, and be whatever I must be–crazy or ribald or …
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Feb 27
Word Wednesday: Iki-Ningyo
The life of a writer is interesting and varied. Sprinkled throughout the writing, editing, revising, formatting, uploading, art, promo, newsletter and blog post preparation and scheduling, etc., is research. Lots of it. How to. Current, and or historical facts. What, where, when, and why… so many questions encountered in a writing or administrative session, as …
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Feb 21
Thought Thursday: Who am I?
Since I launched my first book in April of 2018, I’ve gone through a bit of an identity crisis. By identity crisis, I mean establishing a look, or as it’s referred to in the industry, Brand. A logo, colour, and text scheme for a product or business, that people recognize. Think of the round red …
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