
I’ve been scarce lately. Online, that is. My family still finds me routinely annoying in person, but fortunately they love me enough to pretend I’m interesting. Interesting. I’ve been musing that word for a while now, as it is in essence the reason I’ve been avoiding social media for months. I no longer find it …

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Platters of Memories…

Today’s been a busy day. Hub’s returned from hunting with a ton of dirty laundry, and we’ve decided to sell the camper, which means a complete unloading of all contents. All contents. Complete. This led to a complete reorganization of my house. There is a lot more in a 9′ camper than one might believe. …

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Angel Riding Shotgun

I make frequent trips to the Kootenays. When I lived in the Kootenays, I routinely traveled to the lower mainland. In the twenty-two years I’ve zipped between the two regions, I’ve never had car trouble. Until yesterday. I took the long way home yesterday via Hwy 6 to Hwy 1, because I had to meet …

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Summer Tidings

Summer is my favorite season. The hotter the better. While my dear hubs grumbles and lumbers around like a polar bear meandering the Sahara in search of water and shade, I bask like a lizard in the glow of 90+ degrees. I would make a good Tropical transplant. Hubs, not so much. This summer is …

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Merry Christmas

MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR! Deborah The best things in life must come by effort from within, not by gifts from the outside. ~Fred Corson

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What the…

Where did summer go? One minute I was blogging here, the next it was September and I was–am–in my brother’s basement suite. Temporarily. What a summer. After two years of Limbo–and yes, that’s limbo with a capital L–the house sold, we packed all our belongings into three storage units, moved into our camper, and viewed a …

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June is finally here! I love this month as it kicks off summer, my favorite season. And what’s not to love? Sun, sand, and for some, surf. And what compliments sun, sand and surf so well (besides sunscreen and frosty cold ones)? That’s right, books! And here is a short list from my TBR pile …

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Make it Right: Case for an Outline

I did not understand the term Panster the first time I heard it. Once it was defined for me, I realized it was me—a writer who writes from the seat of his/her pants. One of my favorite Pansters is best-selling author of the Outlander series, Diana Gabaldon. She starts with a kernel—a story idea, mental flash of …

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Update and Friday Fiction

  December was a dud as far as writing went. Vertigo is not conducive to standing in front of a computer screen. But in terms of family and hubby time, December was fantastic.   January is proving a tad interesting as the vertigo has changed from constant, to sporadic, and I never know when I’ll wake …

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In Praise of Jimmy

I spoke to a former co-worker today when I called my former place of employment with a concern regarding a recent bill. She sounded so happy when she realized who I was, and stated she had been thinking of me of late, wishing I and a few others who also left the company still worked there, because then “I know …

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