Tag: Baby

Book Baby Blues

There’s a little-known disorder that affects some authors that very few people, except other authors, knows about. Readers certainly don’t know, at least the ones that do not follow regularly, an author whose suffered it—and talked openly about it: Book Baby Blues. Authoring, revising, editing, and polishing a book is an intense labour of love. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.deborahsmall.com/book-baby-blues/

Bittersweet April

One-hundred-and-six years ago this month, the Titanic went down in the Atlantic Ocean with over two-thousand people on board. A little over seven-hundred survived. Fifty-four years ago this month, my mother left Maywood Home for Unwed Mothers, in Vancouver BC, where she’d lived during the final weeks of her pregnancy, and entered Vancouver’s Grace Hospital. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.deborahsmall.com/bittersweet-april/

Little Man

I held my firstborn grandchild for the first time this week. It was surreal. Looking into his face, I saw my firstborn son, and I was once more an over-joyed–and terrified–new mother. Tiny fingers. Tiny toes. Tiny, but strong nose and chin hinting at the strong-willed, and capable man he would become. Silky smooth skin …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.deborahsmall.com/little-man/


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