Tag: history

Teaser Tuesday – Coffee, hot and black


Permanent link to this article: https://www.deborahsmall.com/teaser-tuesday-coffee-hot-and-black/

The Huntress

I read Kate Quinn’s, The Alice Network, and loved it. I wish I could offer up the same delight for her latest, The Huntress. A time and POV weaving story, The Huntress features three protagonists and their separate lives/histories that collide in dramatic and near-fatal fashion. Ian Graham seeks justice. Nina Markova seeks revenge. Jordan …

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Teaser Tuesday – Deb at Woodbine

Deborah Get out of the blocks, run your race, stay relaxed. If you run your race, you’ll win. Channel your energy. Focus. Carol Lewis

Permanent link to this article: https://www.deborahsmall.com/teaser-tuesday-deb-at-woodbine/

Thought Thursday: Inspirational Characters

I’m tidying up the first book in my new series in preparation of sending it to the editor, and decided now was a good time to write the Author’s Note (while details are fresh in my mind). In writing it, I discovered the name of the delightful lady who will tempt the hero of book …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.deborahsmall.com/thought-thursday-inspirational-characters/

Review Wednesday – By Gaslight

One of the things that draws me to Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander novels—besides the story—is story length. To put it plainly, the longer, the better. For me. Provided it’s a good story. By Gaslight, by Steven Price, is a good story. But not for everyone. I enjoyed it. Enjoyed the opaque Victorian atmosphere. The unusual quotes-free …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.deborahsmall.com/review-wednesday-by-gaslight/

Word Wednesday: Revelation

From Merriam-Webster Dictionary online: revelation noun:rev·​e·​la·​tion | \ ˌre-və-ˈlā-shən  \ Definition of revelation 1a: an act of revealing or communicating divine truth b: something that is revealed by God to humans 2a: an act of revealing to view or making known b: something that is revealed especially: an enlightening or astonishing disclosure shocking revelations c: a pleasant often enlightening surprise Joe received an astonishing surprise today. I’m still fascinated by …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.deborahsmall.com/word-wednesday-revelation/

Word Wednesday: Legacy

But the effects of centuries’ of abuse and misuse of power impacts Margaret’s life, as, sadly…

Permanent link to this article: https://www.deborahsmall.com/word-wednesday-legacy/


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