“Please send chocolate.”
Tag: Indie
Permanent link to this article: https://www.deborahsmall.com/thought-thursday-taxes/
Apr 07
Great is the road I climb…
I decided about a year ago that I wasn’t going to try and get published. I was going to publish. That was a pivotal moment for me. Changing my mindset from writing and revising and querying literary agents on different projects hoping one might attract interest, to focusing on self-publishing a story I loved writing …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.deborahsmall.com/great-is-the-road-i-climb/
Feb 21
Rebel Fear
I started out a bit of a rebel. Mom says she put a harness on me one day when I was a toddler. I had a penchant for toddling off. Most toddlers do. Fearless, ignorant of danger and mobile, young children get into things—and out of places—they shouldn’t. So, on went the harness. For about …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.deborahsmall.com/rebel-fear/