Tag: Love

Motivational Monday – Follow your heart

Permanent link to this article: https://www.deborahsmall.com/motivational-monday-follow-your-heart/

Teaser Tuesday – Coffee, hot and black


Permanent link to this article: https://www.deborahsmall.com/teaser-tuesday-coffee-hot-and-black/

Fun Friday – Expect the Unexpected

On Easter Sunday my son-in-law’s brother suffered a level-5 brain aneurysm. Few people survive a level-5 aneurysm. He did, and I credit his survival to three things: the skill and dedication of the first-responders, and then the neurosurgeons, nurses, and other medical personnel who were critical to his emergent, urgent, and ongoing care; the love …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.deborahsmall.com/fun-friday-expect-the-unexpected/

Fun Friday – Poki

One of our cats inspires a similar love-hate relationship. He’s into everything, constantly yowling to be let out, pees in shoes and on other things left on the floor when denied admittance to the outdoors forthwith, and uses our baseboards to sharpen his claws. Still, we let him live. Indoors. Even cuddle him. Like Poki, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.deborahsmall.com/fun-friday-poki/

Teaser Tuesday – Bare-fingered Women

As I mentioned in my last post, with book 3 in my Dear One series in the hands of my editor, I’m turning my attention to a novel I wrote a couple of years ago and set aside to focus on getting my Dear One series published. Here’s a teaser from this new WIP, which …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.deborahsmall.com/teaser-tuesday-bare-fingered-women/

Happy Mother’s Day

Wishing every woman who knows or has known the exquisite pain and infinite love of being a mother, a very special, and loving, happy Mother’s Day. Deborah There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved. George Sand

Permanent link to this article: https://www.deborahsmall.com/happy-mothers-day/

Review Wednesday – Thailand with the Tycoon **Bonus Author Interview**

“… fast-paced and for the most-part, light-hearted and fun. But also touching and heartfelt. I enjoyed it so much, I immediately pre-ordered… “

Permanent link to this article: https://www.deborahsmall.com/review-wednesday-thailand-with-the-tycoon-bonus-author-interview/

Fun Friday: Oh, little one…

A theme that runs through my books is the extraordinary lengths some parents will go, to protect their children, so this video is for me, particularly heart-warming. I hope it tugs your heart strings, too. Happy Friday. Deborah Time is the longest distance between two places. ~Tennessee Williams

Permanent link to this article: https://www.deborahsmall.com/fun-friday-oh-little-one/

Review Wednesday – Nightfall Over Shanghai

“The story started strong – childbirth is always exciting at any time, but in the midst of a war and in extreme poverty and on the sofa in the middle of…”

Permanent link to this article: https://www.deborahsmall.com/review-wednesday-nightfall-over-shanghai/

Sparkle and Sound

I always felt a little sad, and not a little guilty the years we didn’t visit because it was the other-side of the family’s turn that year.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.deborahsmall.com/sparkle-and-sound/

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