I was asked once why I set My Dear One on a ranch in Texas, instead of in BC like the ranch that inspired the partial setting of the book. My answer was simple: My Dear One isn’t a fictionalized memoir. It’s its own story, created from the characters, not from my childhood memories. Though, …
Tag: My Own
Permanent link to this article: https://www.deborahsmall.com/the-beautiful-people/
May 18
A mother’s belated understanding
I’ve started final revisions of My Dear One’s sequel, My Own, in preparation of sending it to my editor, for you guessed it, her to send back to me for more revisions! But that is the nature of the authoring beast—you think you’re finished, and someone, maybe yourself, shows you how wrong you are. That …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.deborahsmall.com/1228/
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