What’s a writer to do when she ships WIPs to Beta-readers? Update, or in my case, build an entirely new website.
My old website was on Weebly. But I purchased Managed WordPress and a dot com address through a different provider, so…
Unable to port my Weebly site (easily in a way I could manage without a Website Guru glued to my side) I decided to build new. What an adventure!
I discovered a number of things:
- It’s not as hard as one might think
- It’s as challenging as one might think
- It speaks to my creative side
- It challenged my analytical side
- Searching for free stock photos is fun
- Adapting and modifying free stock photos is even more fun
- Creating a header and tag line…well, I did it
- Deciding what pages to include and what to include on the pages…tough. And rewarding
- I like the color scheme
- I have no idea what else it needs, technically or creatively
- It, like me and my writing, is a work-in-progress and subject to change
- I’m happy with the result
Now, I really need to open Word and get to work on a new WIP!
There are no rules. Just follow your heart. ~Robin Williams